Thursday, January 9, 2025

Episode 158: 10 Years of Dungeonmans

We discuss the 10th "Mansiversary" of Dungeonmans, with Darren Grey and Jim Shepard.

You can download the mp3 of the podcast, play it in the embedded player below, or you can follow us on iTunes.

Synopsis & Useful Links

Darren interviews Jim Shepard, developer of Dungeonmans. Discussions include:
 - What's been happening in the development of Dungeonmans over the last 10+ years, and the celebration event for the 10th "Mansiversary" of the game
 - Inspirations and design ethos behind Dungeonmans
 - Keeping Dungeonmans accessible as it has grown over time
 - "Pay to Lose" as a mechanic
 - Dungeonmans as a commercial product and how sales have gone over time
 - Temporary events in the game, including the annual December "Crushmas"
 - How Jim splits his time between Dungeonmans and other projects
 - Managing the fan community for Dungeonmans, and positive connections that have been made through it
 - Adding modding support to Dungeonmans
 - The technical challenges of adding pets to the game
 - Jim's links with other projects, inc Tangledeep, his 80s action themed first-person dungeon crawler Eye of the Commando, and the in-development road trip game "Nothing's Open But the Road"
 - You can buy Dungeonmans on Steam
 - The Dungeonmans "What Does Crushmas Mean To You" survey


  1. 10 years?!? I'm going to have to revisit, except it'll probably impact my 7DRL in March. Also ordered 3 GellyFresh cubes (you also said GelloFresh, be careful, remember Green Jell-o). Awesome to see a traditional RL lasting so long! Loving it!

  2. Looking forward to the episode featuring Castle of the Winds, nudge nudge.
